1. Introduction
Incorporating new data into a Knowledge Graph is a tedious process because the whole Knowledge Graph must be regenerated, even though only a small part of the dataset was changed. IncRML avoid this problem by analyzing and comparing the dataset against the previous versions to detect the actual changes and incorporate only those changes into an existing Knowledge Graph to reduce the execution time and computing resources necessary to update the Knowledge Graph. IncRML achieves this by combining the RDF Mapping Language (RML) for the mapping and the Function Ontology (FnO) for the change detection. Optionally, IncRML can make use of Linked Data Event Streams (LDES) to also publish the changes in the Knowledge Graph as a stream of events. However, IncRML can be used stand-alone as well in existing systems.
An IncRML paper is currently under review at the Semantic Web Journal.
IncRML (top green row) combines RML+FnO (middle pink row).
FnO described functions perform CDC based on the characteristics of the dataset and RML for constructing RDF from the detected changes.
Changed RDF quads may be published as an LDES via an LDES Event Stream Logical Target.
The pipeline is continuously executed to extract changes from new versions of the datasets.
IncRML can be used by any RML engine with support for FnO (orange squares).
Example data (bottom blue row) shows how data creations (green), data updates (yellow), and data deletions (red) are detected through CDC FnO functions.
It is assumed that the previous state contains info on data rows with IDs 0, 1, 2, and 3.
The extracted changes are then incrementally transformed into RDF and published as LDES members.
2. Change Data Capture (CDC)
IncRML uses FnO functions to perform Change Data Capture (CDC) on the datasets from which the Knowledge Graph are generated from. Each type of change has its own FnO function. IncRML considers 3 type of changes:
Create: a new entity has been added to the dataset.
Update: an existing entity has been updated in the dataset such as a new property, removed property or a new value for a property.
Delete: an existing entity was removed from the dataset.
Changes could be explicitely or implicitely:
Explicitely: dataset advertises the type of change for each entity.
Implicitely: dataset changes the entity without advertising the change.
Change Data Capture algorithm applied by IncRML to detect implicit changes between different data versions. IncRML relies on the data source for change detection if the changes are explicitely advertised.
This results into the follow FnO functions being available in the RMLMapper:
FnO function | Purpose |
| Detect explicitly created members by checking if the member IRI existed already. |
| Detect explicitly updated members by checking if the member IRI existed already. |
| Detect explicitly deleted members by checking if the member IRI existed already. |
| Detect implicitly created members by checking if the member IRI existed already. |
| Detect implicitly updated members by checking if the member IRI already existed and its watched properties have changed. |
| Detect implicitly deleted members by marking each member IRI as seen and after processing all the members, returning the set of member IRIs which were not seen compared to the previous version. |
3. LDES Event Stream Logical Target
IncRML can be combined with a LDES Event Stream Logical Target to also publish the set of changes in a Knowledge Graph as a stream of events. This is optional, but allows to consumers to ingest the changes efficiently to keep their local version of the Knowledge Graph in sync.
4. Example
IncRML is demonstrated in the following example where a CSV file is updated:
Create: entity
is created. -
Update: entities
Harold Finch
andJohn Reese
have theirAge
property incremented. -
Delete: entity
Agent Carter
is removed. -
Unchanged: entity
The Machine
remains unchanged.
ID,Name,Age 0,The Machine,0 1,Harold Finch,44 2,John Reese,38 3,Agent Carter,36
Input data 2 (changed version)
ID,Name,Age 0,The Machine,0 1,Harold Finch,46 2,John Reese,40 3,Root,35
RML mapping with FnO CDC functions
# Logical Target for outputting W3C ActivityStreams 2.0 event log as an LDES <#LDESLogicalTargetAS> a rmlt : EventStreamTarget ; rmlt : target [ a void : Dataset ; void : dataDump <file:///eventlog.nq> ; ]; rmlt : serialization formats : N-Quads ; rmlt : ldes [ a ldes : EventStream ; ldes : timestampPath dct : created ; ldes : versionOfPath dct : isVersionOf ; tree : shape <https://example.org/shape/> ; ]; rmlt : ldesBaseIRI <https://example.org/ldes/eventlog/> ; rmlt : ldesGenerateImmutableIRI "true" ^^ xsd : boolean . # Logical Target for outputting data collection member changes as an LDES <#LDESLogicalTargetMember> a rmlt : EventStreamTarget ; rmlt : target [ a void : Dataset ; void : dataDump <file:///members.nq> ; ]; rmlt : serialization formats : N-Quads ; rmlt : ldes [ a ldes : EventStream ; ldes : timestampPath dct : created ; ldes : versionOfPath dct : isVersionOf ; tree : shape <https://example.org/shape/> ; ]; rmlt : ldesBaseIRI <https://example.org/ldes/members/> ; rmlt : ldesGenerateImmutableIRI "true" ^^ xsd : boolean . # Input CSV file as datasource <#DataSource> a rml : LogicalSource ; rml : source "data.csv" ; rml : referenceFormulation ql : CSV . # Dedicated named graph for each change type # W3C ActivityStreams 2.0 eventlog generation of created members <#TriplesMapASCreate> a rr : TriplesMap ; rml : logicalSource <#DataSource> ; rr : subjectMap [ rr : constant "http://blue-bike.be/event/create" ; rr : class as : Create ; rml : logicalTarget <#LDESLogicalTargetAS> ; ] . # W3C ActivityStreams 2.0 eventlog generation of updated members <#TriplesMapASUpdate> a rr : TriplesMap ; rml : logicalSource <#DataSource> ; rr : subjectMap [ rr : constant "http://blue-bike.be/event/update" ; rr : class as : Update ; rml : logicalTarget <#LDESLogicalTargetAS> ; ] . # W3C ActivityStreams 2.0 eventlog generation of deleted members <#TriplesMapASDelete> a rr : TriplesMap ; rml : logicalSource <#DataSource> ; rr : subjectMap [ rr : constant "http://blue-bike.be/event/delete" ; rr : class as : Delete ; rml : logicalTarget <#LDESLogicalTargetAS> ; ] . # Data collection member <#PersonName> a rr : PredicateObjectMap ; rr : predicate schema : name ; rr : objectMap [ rml : reference "name" ; rr : datatype xsd : string ; ]; . # Dedicated Triples Map per change type # Detection of explicit member creations with FnO function, # if the member IRI is not found in the state, a new created member is generated. <#TriplesMapObjectCreate> a rr : TriplesMap ; rml : logicalSource <#DataSource> ; rr : subjectMap [ fnml : functionValue [ rr : predicateObjectMap [ rr : predicate fno : executes ; rr : object idlab-fn : explicitCreate ; ]; rr : predicateObjectMap [ rr : predicate idlab-fn : iri ; rr : objectMap [ rr : template "https://example.org/member/{id}" ]; ]; ]; rr : graph <http://example.org/event/create> ; rr : class foaf : Person ; rml : logicalTarget <#LDESLogicalTargetMember> ; ]; rr : predicateObjectMap <#PersonName> . # Detection of implicit member updates with FnO function # Looks up the property 'name' of a member with the IRI of the member, # if changed, an updated member is generated. <#TriplesMapObjectUpdate> a rr : TriplesMap ; rml : logicalSource <#DataSource> ; rr : subjectMap [ fnml : functionValue [ rr : predicateObjectMap [ rr : predicate fno : executes ; rr : object idlab-fn : implicitUpdate ; ]; rr : predicateObjectMap [ rr : predicate idlab-fn : iri ; rr : objectMap [ rr : template "https://example.org/member/{id}" ; ]; ]; # Watch property 'name' of member for changes rr : predicateObjectMap [ rr : predicate idlab-fn : watchedProperty ; rr : objectMap [ rr : template "name={name}" ] ]; ]; rr : graph <http://blue-bike.be/event/update> ; rr : class foaf : Person ; rml : logicalTarget <#LDESLogicalTargetMember> ; ]; rr : predicateObjectMap <#PersonName> . # Detection of implicit member deletions with FnO function by IRI # If member IRI is removed in the new version, a member as tombstone is generated. <#TriplesMapObjectDelete> a rr : TriplesMap ; rml : logicalSource <#DataSource> ; rr : subjectMap [ fnml : functionValue [ rr : predicateObjectMap [ rr : predicate fno : executes ; rr : object idlab-fn : implicitDelete ; ]; rr : predicateObjectMap [ rr : predicate idlab-fn : iri ; rr : objectMap [ rr : template "https://example.org/member/{id}" ]; ]; ]; rr : graph <http://blue-bike.be/event/delete> ; rr : class foaf : Person ; rml : logicalTarget <#LDESLogicalTargetMember> ; ] .
Output data 1 in TriG (base version)
: Created { <http://ex.org/Mbr0#0> a foaf : Person . <http://ex.org/Mbr0#0> foaf : name "The Machine" . <http://ex.org/Mbr0#0> foaf : age "0" ^^ xsd : int . <http://ex.org/Mbr1#0> a foaf : Person . <http://ex.org/Mbr1#0> foaf : name "Harold Finch" . <http://ex.org/Mbr1#0> foaf : age "44" ^^ xsd : int . <http://ex.org/Mbr2#0> a foaf : Person . <http://ex.org/Mbr2#0> foaf : name "John Reese" . <http://ex.org/Mbr2#0> foaf : age "38" ^^ xsd : int . <http://ex.org/Mbr3#0> a foaf : Person . <http://ex.org/Mbr3#0> foaf : name "Agent Carter" . <http://ex.org/Mbr3#0> foaf : age "36" ^^ xsd : int . }
Output data 2 in TriG (changed version)
: Created { <http://ex.org/Mbr4#0> a foaf : Person . <http://ex.org/Mbr4#0> foaf : name "Root" . <http://ex.org/Mbr4#0> foaf : age "35" ^^ xsd : int . } : Updated { <http://ex.org/Mbr1#1> a foaf : Person . <http://ex.org/Mbr1#1> foaf : name "Harold Finch" . <http://ex.org/Mbr1#1> foaf : age "46" ^^ xsd : int . <http://ex.org/Mbr2#1> a foaf : Person . <http://ex.org/Mbr2#1> foaf : name "John Reese" . <http://ex.org/Mbr2#1> foaf : age "40" ^^ xsd : int . } : Deleted { <http://ex.org/Mbr3#1> a foaf : Person . }
Event log with named graph metadata
# Named graph for created members of data collection : Created a as : Create ; as : actor <http://ex.org/data-collection> . # Named graph for updated members of data collection : Updated a as : Update ; as : actor <http://ex.org/data-collection> . # Named graph for deleted members of data collection : Deleted a as : Delete ; as : actor <http://ex.org/data-collection> .